Friday, February 09, 2007

When Your Eyes Hates Their Lashes Eye

Do you know what lives in your eyelashes? Small creatures and non-hygienic habits can harm your eyes. Here you can find how to treat your eye properly, starting from taking a good care of your eyelashes.

Because long eyelashes are considered as a sign of femininity in most cultures, the easiest way to create female cartoon characters is just to put eyelashes on their eyes. Snoopy's sister, Belle looks like him but has longer eyelashes.

Physically, eyelashes protect the eye from debris and perform some of the same function as whiskers do on a cat or a mouse in the sense that they are sensitive to being touched, thus providing a warning that an object (such as an insect or dust mote) is near the eye, which is then closed reflexively.

Eyelashes vs Eye rash
As it is much more comfortable than curling lashes and using mascara every time before leaving home, applying false eyelashes becomes a popular way to get glamour eyes. However, false eyelashes also need hygienic care to avoid side effects after applying them. In non-hygienic circumstance, rash can occur in any part of body, even eyes.

Do you know what lives in your eyelashes? The small creatures called "Demodicid" is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm. long, that lives in your pores and hair follicles, usually on the nose, forehead, cheek, and chin, and often in the roots of your eyelashes.

People with oily skin, or those who use cosmetics heavily and don't wash thoroughly, have the heaviest infestations. Inflammation and infection often result when large numbers of these mites congregate in a single follicle. Large numbers of demodex mites may cause itching and skin disorders.

"Crab lice are wingless, about 1 to 3 mm long. They attach themselves to hair strands, and hatch out of pods with lids. Ones that are too tightly attached to be brushed off must be removed by pulling with the nails or a fine tooth-comb.

The crab louse can live in almost any form of human hair, but is found most commonly in pubic hair. Its legs are adapted to climbing along relatively widely spaced hairs, and so it can be found in eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic hair, beards, moustaches, and even armpit hair. The louse feeds on blood and can leave irritating spots on the skin, sometimes mistaken for pimples.

Side Effect from Fake Eyelash Glue
The fake eyelash glue can cause inflammation, rash, and scales around eyelids. In some cases, lymph pimples may occur.

Weak Eyelash Pores
Supporting more weight from false eyelashes all the time, eyelash pores can become weakened which causes the eyelashes to fall easily.

Enhancing Beauty with No Risk
Before applying permanent or non-permanent false eyelash, consider:

Hygienic beauty shops with skilled staff - The shops must also provide high-quality false eyelashes glue.

Irritation occurring with eyes - If there are some irritation such as rash, itching, or skin disorders occurring with any area of eyes, wait until the symptom is cured.
Period of eyelashes enhancement - Let eyes have a rest after each eyelashes enhancement in order to recover eyelash roots.

Allergy records - Those who have allergy records in eye tissue or often get eye sty should avoid eyelashes enhancement.

High - quality mascara - Use high quality mascara and brush only one time to your eyelashes. Wait until the first brushing dry out before apply the second one in order to avoid making eyelashes stick together.

Eye-makeup remover - To clean eye areas, eye make-up remover is the best thing for removing mascara without any irritation. It is not suggested to apply facial cleanser or cosmetic remover because it is harmful to eyelids.

About the Author
Kuro is a beauty lover, Phd. Student, and a webmaster. Interesting on beauty chemical products, the experiment on beauty products, and the scientific way on beauty treatment,having search for the beauty tips and beauty treatment, head to toe. Find other articles on beauty treatment, head to toe on beauty site, you will find a new knowledge on beauty.

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